Irrigation Decision Support Systems Demo in Winters, CA
Using irrigation decision support tools can save water, energy, and nitrogen
The Irrigation Decision Support Systems (IDSS) component of the larger Cal-Energy Product Evaluation Hub partners with growers, decision support providers, government stakeholders, and scientists to evaluate and offer guidelines for incorporating these tools into grower operations to save energy and water. Dr. Gaurav Jha, a postdoctoral researcher in our group, is working across several research groups including Dr. Kate Scow, Dr. Rad Schmidt, Dr. Isaya Kisekka, Floyid Nicolas and Dr. Kosana Suvočarev to develop a field-based framework for California IDSS.
2021 highlights:
We partnered with Tony Turkovitch of Turkovitch farms in Winters, CA to test 9 different types of IDSS that vary in spatiotemporal scale and underlying information approach (soil, canopy, atmosphere). These IDSS and the experimental design were informed by a Product Advisory Group of statewide stakeholders.
Dr. Jha organized and led a wonderful targeted field day! Undergraduate researcher Dawson Diaz filmed several IDSS providers and scientists talk about tools for water, energy, and nitrogen management. He is using this footage to make several short extension films.
Growers and irrigation managers, stay tuned for an incentivized survey opportunity! We worked with Dr. Sarah Outcault and Ashley DePew @ UCD’s Energy and Efficiency Institute to develop an IDSS user survey to better understand the challenges and opportunities for IDSS across CA.